To find out more about the LCMS Beliefs click the link below:

What we Believe: 

We are a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. We hold the Holy Bible to be the only source of the Christian faith. We also hold to the Lutheran Confessions as the clear and true statement of our faith and exposition of the Word of God. The Lutheran Confessions can be found within the Book of Concord and include the three ecumenical creeds, the Augsburg Confession, as well as Luther's Small Catechism among other documents.

We believe that God has called his people together to share his light and love in the world. We are committed to Connecting our community to Christ through preaching, teaching, service, and care. We'd love to chat with you more about what we believe, please contact Pastor Letsche if you'd like more information. 

Becoming a Member

We're excited about your interest in membership and honored that you're considering making First Lutheran your church family. The church family and community that you'll find here at First Lutheran is caring, compassionate, and fun.

Church membership is all about caring for one another. We join churches so that we can receive care from the pastor and also so that we can care for one another. Church membership also serves as a visible reminder of the faith that we share in common with each other. 


Historical Documents

75th Anniversary Worship Bulletin

75th Anniversary Video - 1936-2011